Saturday, 21 November 2009

Doctoral Scholarship University of Yamanashi

Announcement of the Interview for Overseas Students

The interview for full scholarship of Japanese Government (MEXT) as well as for student support as RA job of GCOE of University of Yamanashi will be held in December 2009 - January 2010. It will be held in Bangkok (Thailand), Beijing (China), Malang (Indonesia), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) and Kathmandu (Nepal).

For more details please see "Poster"
The interview schedule and application forms will be updated on this website later.

Please refer to the last year's guidelines for applicants

Saturday, 3 October 2009

PhD Scholarship in Disaster Management Copenhagen

PhD Scholarship in Disaster Management, Copenhagen

Closing Date: Friday, 23 October 2009

More jobs by tag: Climate Change; Data Collection; Disaster Management; Disaster Risk Reduction; Human Security; Political Science; Professional Associations; Sustainable Development; Water Quality; Water and Sanitation

University of Copenhagen

Cross-faculty school under the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Closing date: 23 Oct 2009
Location: Denmark - Copenhagen

Copenhagen School of Global Health

Tenure: Three years
Deadline for applications: 23 October 2009

The Centre for Advanced Security Theory (CAST), Copenhagen School of Global Health and Oresund Center for Disaster Research at the Faculty of Health Sciences is offering one PhD scholarship to commence 15 November or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is offered for a period of three years.

The PhD scholarship is 100 % funded by CAST.

It is a pre-requisite that the PhD candidate is enrolled as PhD student at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, at the Copenhagen Graduate School of Health Sciences in accordance to the provision of Executive Order no. 18 of 14 January 2008 regarding the PhD degree. It is recommended that the application for enrolment be submitted once the reply regarding the granting of the fellowship is available.


CAST is a research centre under the University's excellence programme, placed at the Department of Political Science. It aims to bring together researchers from a wide range of disciplines to explore, compare and refine the methods, concepts and principles, each discipline uses in assessing its kind of threats, dangers and risks.

The Oresund Center for Disaster research, a joint center between Lund University and University of Copenhagen, is to provide some of the theoretical background used in the teaching on the Master of Disaster Management www.mdma.ku. dk. This PhD student will act as a bridge builder between the two initiatives. Main supervisor will be from the Faculty of Health Sciences and co- supervisor will be from the Department of Geography and Geology.

The Copenhagen School of Global Health aim to coordinate and improve health research and training at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with local and global partners

Description of the field of study:

The candidate will focus on flooding as a consequence of climate change and the associated increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. He/she will carry out a comparative study of current and emerging patterns of vulnerability and adaptive capacity, in communities faced with problems related to water quality, sanitation and hygiene resulting from flooding. The research will be carried out in two or three countries (possibly Vietnam, Bangladesh, Mozambique and/or others). The extent to which these problems may be considered threats to 'security' will be studied along with the implications of their 'securitization' . The study will involve both a literature review as well as primary data collection in each country studied.

The candidate should undertake some of the following tasks, with special emphasis on water and sanitation, although the exact definition and design of the project will be up to the candidate:

- Investigate the current and emerging risks resulting from flooding.
- Critically examine, evaluate and if needed expand, the current used models of analyzing vulnerability and adaptive capacity in the face of climate change.
- Analyze contextual factors influencing vulnerability and adaptive capacity, including physical/environmen tal, social/cultural, economic and political factors that can influence human security and related risks.
- Analyze whether, how and why these risks have been defined as security issues in a more traditional sense by the nation state in case or by other countries or international organisations - and if so with what effects.
- Examine linkages within the conceptual frameworks of disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, sustainable development and policies of security.
- Suggest means by which disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainable development practitioners - and possibly other agencies - can better coordinate across disciplines.


- Candidates are required to have a master degree in disaster management or equivalent.
- Strong motivation and excellent scientific skills are essential.
- Prior experience in international disaster management is an advantage.
- Good communication skills, both oral and written.
- Demonstrate enthusiasm, motivation, flexibility and confidence.

Employment conditions:

Employment is for a three-year period and is governed by the Protocol on PhD Research Fellows signed by the Danish Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) on 1 October 2008, enclosure 5. PhD fellows are covered by the regulations pertaining to 'new salaries' for public employees and the salary is therefore subject to individual negotiation. The PhD fellow is obliged to carry out - without additional pay - allocated teaching-related tasks, etc. of up to 840 working hours during their period of employment.

The PhD candidate will be expected, over the three-year period, to acquire experience in teaching or other types of presentations. The tentative start date is 15 November 2009 or soon thereafter.

The PhD scholarships are subject to academic approval in accordance with Executive Order no. 284 of 25 April 2008 regarding employment of teachers and scientific staff at universities, etc. under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Applicants will be informed of the composition of the committee. The Executive Order is available at

Useful links:


How to apply

For further information, please contact Peter Kjær Mackie Jensen: +45 35327688 or petkj@sund.ku. dk,

Your application marked "PhD stipend Disaster Management" including a CV and master's degree as well as names and contact details of referees must be sent to the MDMa by 23 October 2009. Your application should be sent by e-mail to petkj@sund.ku. dk

We encourage all interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background to apply for the position.

Reference Code: RW_7WDE2S-50

Source: Reliefweb

Sunday, 19 July 2009

DAAD Scholarship 2010-2011

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offered scholarships for senior high school graduates and scientists of all academic fields for the period of 2010/2010. For complete information please download at Dikti website HERE (PDF file)

Monday, 30 March 2009

PhD in Peace Process in Aceh

PhD Scholarship, Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific and Social Change, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University .

The Peace Process in Aceh , Indonesia .

Three years full-time with a possible six month extension, open to domestic and international studentsApplication closing date: 11 May 2009
We are seeking a suitably qualified applicant to participate in an ARC-funded research project that explores the peace process in Aceh , Indonesia .
The PhD research will focus on the transformation and experiences of supporters of the Free Aceh Movement. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Dr. Edward Aspinall in the Department of Political and Social Change. The ANU is a world-leading institution in the study of Indonesia , with over 30 full time researchers in the field. The PhD will require around twelve months of field work in Indonesia . The stipend is $20,427 per annum, tax free. (2009 rate)
Applicants should have at least an honours degree or equivalent in Political Science, Asian Studies or a related discipline, have demonstrated research capacity and potential and be capable of conducting field research in the Indonesian language. Research or related field experience in Aceh will be an advantage. Appropriate fieldwork funds will be available for the successful candidate.
The scholarship is open to domestic and international applicants.Further information is available from Dr Edward Aspinall ( should complete the standard application form for admission to a research program and/or scholarship application. Please indicate on your application that you wish to be considered for the “Peace Process in Aceh , Indonesia ” scholarship.
For more, see: or contact:

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Beasiswa Sandwich Dikti 2009

Menindak lanjuti hasil pertemuan tentang Kebijakan Pengembangan Dosen Perguruan Tinggi di Hotel Milenium Sirih, Jakarta, tanggal 2-3 Februari 2009, tentang Program Magang (Sandwich) ke luar negeri untuk tahun anggaran 2009, dengan ini kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

  1. Beasiswa Program Magang (Sandwich) ke luar negeri diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa Pascasarjana program S3 di dalam negeri, yang terdaftar pada salah satu Program Pascasarjana Penyelenggara BPPS;
  2. Beasiswa Program Magang (Sandwich) ke luar negeri terbuka bagi semua dosen tetap (PNS, PTS, dan tetap Yayasan) dari PT di seluruh Indonesia, yang sedang terdaftar dan aktif pada salah satu Program Pascasarjana Penyelenggara BPPS;
  3. Kegiatan Program Magang (Sandwich) ke luar negeri, meliputi: (a) Melakukan kerja lapangan atau analisis laboratorium dan data; (b) Melakukan penelitian baik di lapangan maupun di laboratorium; (c) Melakukan studi kepustakaan dalam penyempurnaan proposal penelitian atau penulisan disertasinya; (d) mengembangkan metodologi penelitian sesuai dengan perkembangan terkini; atau (e) Menyelesaikan penulisan tugas akhirnya;
  4. Calon yang berminat minimal telah minimal telah menyelesaikan semester 2 dari Program S3nya. Calon yang berminat diseleksi oleh Pengelola Program Pascasarjana tempat calon melakukan studi dan selanjutnya diajukan ke Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi;
  5. Tim Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi akan melakukan seleksi tahap berikutnya;
  6. Calon harus menyerahkan semua dokumen yang diperlukan, meliputi: (a) Form-A Luar Negeri Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi; (b) Rencana program kerja yang akan dilakukan selama berada di PT Luar Negeri dan telah disetujui oleh Ketua Komisi Pembimbing di Indonesia; (c) Surat Rekomendasi yang ditulis oleh Ketua Komisi Pembimbing pada PPs PT Pengusulnya; (d) Surat keterangan bahwa PT luar negeri yang dituju siap menerima mahasiswa yang bersangkutan, atau mempunyai Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) antara PT dalam negeri dengan mitranya di luar negeri; dan (e) Bukti kemampuan berbahasa asing yang sesuai dengan persyaratan yang diminta oleh PT luar negeri yang dituju, seperti nilai TOEFL (minimal 500) atau IELTS (minimal 5.5);
  7. Dana yang disediakan untuk Program Magang (Sandwich) berjangka waktu maksimal 4 (empat) bulan;
  8. Komponen biaya yang diberikan untuk Program Magang (Sandwich) adalah: (a) Institutional/ Bench fee; (b) Biaya hidup (standar Dikti); (c) Asuransi kesehatan (at cost); (d) Biaya buku (standar Dikti); (e) Bahan habis pakai (consumables) (standar Dikti); dan (f) Perjalanan dengan pesawat pp kelas ekonomi (at cost);

Pendaftaran beasiswa Program Magang (Sandwich) kami terima paling lambat tanggal 15 Mei 2009, dan di kirim ke alamat:
Direktur KetenagaanDirektorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Departemen Pendidikan NasionalGedung D Lantai 5, Jl. Jenderal Soedirman Pintu I – Senayan, Jakarta 10270

Sumber: Website Ditnaga Dikti

Thursday, 19 February 2009

EU-scholarship for residents in South-East Asia

A new EU-scholarship opportunity has become available for residents in South-East Asia

Deadline for application is 28 February 2009

We are very pleased to announce that ITC was selected to be a European Partner in this so-called EMMA programme (Erasmus Mundus Mobility with

ITC - the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation - offers courses in Applied Earth Sciences (including disaster studies e.g. floods, landslides, earthquakes) , water resource management, natural resources, urban planning, earth observation and geo-information science.

The EMMA program provides funding opportunities for students, researchers and academic staff to take part in 'mobilities' between the target group countries and the EU. The programme offers study scholarships to attend courses at Master of Science level, pursue PhDs, Post Doctoral research and to facilitate academic staff exchange.

Eligable countries are: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar/Burma, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

For more information on the EMMA program and the other European partners, please refer to the EMMA home-page:

For the training opportunities at ITC, please refer to ITC-EMMA page htm

Please note that the Hazard and Disaster related trainings fall under the program Applied Earth Science (section "Geography and Geology")

Applicants affiliated with one of the Asian partner institutes (see below) can apply as "target group 1"; Nationals of the EMMA-countries can apply as "target group 2"; - Students living in a vulnerable situation in EMMA-countries can apply as "target group 3" (see EMMA website for details)

The Asian Consortium Partners are: Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (Bangladesh) ; BRAC University (Bangladesh) ; University of Dhaka (Bangladesh) ; Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia); Jadavpur University (India); NED University of Engineering & Technology (Pakistan); Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines) ; University of the Philippines- Diliman (Philippines) .

I hope you'll find this opportunity interesting; please forward this message to anyone else you think may be interested.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

2009 World Bank Scholarships

Please follow links below for more complete information regarding the 2009 World Bank Scholarships
The Scholarship Program and the Fellowships Program are vehicles for knowledge sharing and capacity building in the developing world. The Programs provide opportunities for graduate and postgraduate studies leading to master's and doctoral degrees in development- related fields for mid-career professionals from eligible developing countries. WBI supplements its training programs through the management of the following programs:

Question and discussion: