The KAUST Discovery Scholarship is the general scholarship program of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
KAUST will offer a pre-enrollment version of this general scholarship program to students attending first-university or bachelor's degree programs. KAUST will provide financial support to pre-enrollment Discovery Scholarship recipients at their home institutions prior to the University's opening. Upon graduation, these students will enter KAUST as master's degree students in September 2009 and 2010 to complete their graduate studies on a fully funded scholarship.
Recipients of the KAUST Discovery Scholarship represent future leaders in science, engineering and technology.
Students may apply for a KAUST Discovery Scholarship directly, or they may be nominated by a professor at their institution.
The first of two 2008 KAUST Discovery Scholarship application cycles is now open and will close on May 11, 2008. Click the "Apply Now" link to the left for the application.
http://www.kaust. discovery- scholarships. aspx