A PhD position is available immediately at the Medical University of Vienna. The project, funded by the Austrian Science Fund, studies structure and function of the human ABC-transporter P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) as a paradigm for ABC-exporter function (for further information see: www.fwf.ac.at, grant P23319). ABCB1 is a major determinant of the response of human disease to systemic pharmacotherapy. The project aims at developing a model of P-glycoprotein transport function at atomic resolution.
Applicants must hold a master degree with a strong background in molecular biology. We are looking for highly motivated candidates of all nationalities who have a keen interest in our research topic. Our project is conducted in the multidisciplinary environment of a research cluster with a focus on membrane transporters. In order to take advantage of this environment we expect and encourage an explorative attitude and good communication skills, especially in English. Applicants should be familiar with standard molecular biology techniques (site directed mutagenesis, cloning techniques, expression systems). A background in computational biology is preferred. The position will receive funding from FWF for a period of three years.
The Institutes of Pharmacology and Medical Chemistry are located in vicinity of the historic center of Vienna and the teaching hospital of the Medical University of Vienna.
Applications containing a cover letter explaining relevant work experience, CV, copies of certificates and contact details of two references should be sent to: thomas.stockner@meduniwien.ac.at; peter.chiba@meduniwien.ac.at