Monday, 9 May 2011

PHD position Promoter research for Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells

PHD position Promoter research for Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells

Deadline 15.05.2011
Ref.No. 11_2011
Apply to

The Austrian Centre of Biotechnology (ACIB, in Vienna has a long term programme on optimization of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and their use in biotechnological production of therapeutic proteins. In the current project the genetic information of the cells that is available to BOKU should be integrated used to identify and characterize andogenous promoters of CHO cells, specifically those that are highly expressed and / or regulated. Within the project, identified promoters will be cloned and characterized on model culture systems and potentially in bioprocesses. ACIB is seeking PhD candidate in the field of biotechnology / molecular biology / cell biology. A background in bioinformatics is of advantage.

Please send your application documents (inlcuding reference number) via e-mail to

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